The Physical Science department of the college was started in 1960. The department has succeded in imparting serious education effectively.
The first head of the department was Dr. C.T.Abraham. He coordinated the work of the department very effectively. Dr. K Anandan Nair took over the responsibility from 1978 onwards. During this period, the department flourished under his able guidance. Dr. Mariamma Mathew has been conducting the work of the department from 1995 onwards. She has been successful in inculcating scientific attitude and scientific temper in student teachers.
The funds for conducting of the various activities of the department are provided by the University Grant Commission, Kerala State Council for Science Technology and Environment and the college.
The use of traditional methods adopted in the class is very rare. To develop the process domain of students modern strategies are adopted in the transaction of curriculum. They include lecture-cum-discussion, narration, co-operative and collaborative learning, focused reading and reflection, intellectual discussions, observations, documentation, individualized learning, case studies. ICT enabled learning is made possible using smart classroom along with educational CD’s available in the library. Topics are assigned to each student and were asked to present seminars with or without PowerPoint presentation. There is a discussion session after each seminar presentation which points out the modification.
Case Studies are adopted during school initiator experience and practice teaching. Self-learning strategies are adopted for certain topics where the students prepare notes for it.
Problem based learning in form of practicums are assigned to each student. The topic is posed as a question and its solution is found out by correction of data and analysis. This gives students training in solving problems related to topics and daily life.
With a view move away from theoretical discourses through lectures alone, students are engaged various kinds of learning experience or modes of engagement. These strategies are initiated by the teacher to guide the students to go through the processes to achieve the expected outcomes. A large number of instructional strategies are available and the teacher adopt the most suitable ones to make the instruction effective.
Action Research is a research initiated to solve an immediate problem. It is a reflective process of problems solving to address issues and solve problems. The Physical Science Department of the college focused on educational problems in school settings. This helped to enhance student achievement, equip them with new approach and methods, improve educational practices and adopt innovations. Students got first-hand experience about the situation in schools and suggest suitable measure to tackle the problem. Topics of action research conducted by the students in their practice teaching schools are:
Physical Science optional is one of the optional subjects in the college. Students who hold a Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in Physics or Chemistry and its allied subjects, are eligible for admission.
Facilities in the classroom are exemplary for the students to work in the class as well as in the schools. The facilities provided in the classroom for students are:
There is a stock register for physics and chemistry and chemicals, equipment, apparatus are purchased once in every year. A utilization register is also maintained and the items utilized by students in the laboratory are properly entered. Besides they can take necessary items to schools during teaching practice, so they can perform experiments in classrooms.
The department organized various activities during the past years. The main aim of all the activities is to bring out the best qualities and talents of the students. All activities are planned and executed by students themselves with a minimum level of guidance from the teacher. Innovative programs such as series of talks, seminars, quizzes, exhibitions, paper presentations were conducted. Students get good training in organizing suchactivities. The activity’s benefits students from other optional of the college, students from other colleges of teacher education and school students. All activities are the acting as extension service of the department. Students utilize all the facilities available in the department for the smooth conduct of the activities. A reflection session is followed after each program whereby students reflect on the benefits they gained from the activities and their role in making it successful and how they can contribute/ modify their role in the next activity. Within a short period of time the department has organized a number of programs for the benefit of the students.
All members of the department actively takes part in the morning assembly. They also actively involved in all activities of the college. Students took part in “Ruchi-Mela” a competition of traditional and modern food and won prizes. Manuscript magazines are also published during the year which included all creative works of students in the form of essays, poems, narrations, quotations and drawings. They also took part in National Integration programmes, sports in which they won many prizes.
Onam and Christmas were celebrated by students of the department making them very colorful. Teaching practice was also performed by students with maximum involvement and creativity in the teaching-learning process. They rehearsed classes in advance, performed experiments and evaluated the students to the most effective manner. Remedial teaching was rendered to weak students. They also prepared teaching aids for making teaching powerful and donated there to the schools. Members of the department participated in all the day-to-day activities of the school. Action research was conducted in schools on areas of problem faced laboratories, libraries, science clubs and fairs and immediate action was taken. They encouraged students to do creative works and thereby develop good scientific attitude and temper among them.
Students of the department actively participated in the school induction program, alumni meeting, PTA and their developed good qualities of organizing such programmes. Science laboratory and library of the department was organized and utilized by them. Method lab was properly utilized. Interschool, intercollege science quiz competition, paper presentation and exhibition were conducted by the department.
Field trips organized every year by the department. A trip to Rajiv Gandhi Combined Cycle Power Project, NTPC Cheppad was very beneficial from were students got first experience in how thermal power is produced.
©2025Peet Memorial Training College, Mavelikkara, Alappuzha District, Kerala