PMTC Alumni was incepted on the very next year, the college was established. Then the principal was the president and a former student elected as general secretary. One Mr. Somanathan Nair was the charter secretary who continued for years and the first principal was Prof. A Cheriyan. Later the president is being elected from among the alumni and principal is designated as patron. All former students, teachers, and office staff form part of the association. It is a boon that many principals and teachers of our college are our alumni, that make the association closely but with the fabric of the institution. Peet Alumni is a unique organization which actively involves in the academic and non- academic activities of the college.

Members of the alumni association are not only teachers but bear various other positions in the society and represent different professions. Where ever they are, they stand testimony to the high ideals of the alma mater by their efficiency, skill and loyalty. They are committed to lighten the society with the light, lighted from the college since the motto is “Lighted to Lighten”.

During ‘NAAC inspection for accreditation, the alumni shouldered the college to get ‘A Grade’ and was acclaimed by the committee. On the auspices of alumni many programmes are being conducted in the college, Traffic awareness programmes and distributing various learning materials in many schools in so many years, and conducting ‘Skill Summit’ programmes for primary and upper primary school teachers are a few. Alumni has installed endowments to encourage students who excel in curricular and co-curricular activities.

We meet every year on Second Saturday of February. The present committee of alumni association headed by President Mr. Aji works so effectively under the guidance of the Principal Dr. Mariamma Mathew and Staff representative Dr. Mumthas.S