Mathematics plays a central role in academic life at Peet Memorial training College. It is a fascinating subject worth exploring in its own right and indispensable to teaching field.
The department of Mathematics of the Peet Memorial training college is a vibrant Mathematical community. We, the faculty of Department of Mathematics at the Peet Memorial training College provide an inclusive and supportive departmental culture that welcomes and respects all members of Mathematical community. Our department conducts number of educational events that augment the classroom experiences.
The Mathematics Department is one of the oldest departments of the college, established at the time of founder principal Prof. A. Cherian (1960-1967). The Department has made a name for itself for its academic excellence as well as co-curricular activities. The department has had an illustrious faculty since its beginning and we proud that the custom still continues. Students are admitted in accordance with Kerala University admission criteria. We have a sanctioned strength of 20 students and it comprises the students of higher academic standards. There are several resources available for extra help with teaching methodology and pedagogy of the course in addition to our class hours. The department has a resource room with wide collection of books, Mathematics Kits, innovative teaching aids on the subject area. The Mathematics classroom has well-equipped with ICT facility especially LCD projector for active teaching learning process. Mathematics association ‘Ganitha’ (Later Mathematics association was renamed as ‘Matheletes’) regularly celebrates national and international days and organizes talks, seminars, Mathematics fairs and workshops related to the subject area. Besides preparing best Mathematics teachers, it also aims at preparing educational administrators, supervisors and researchers.
Besides the department has a librarystacked with books related to science teaching. It has a method lab also. The class has an Interactive White Board with Wi-Fi facility. AComputer with network facility is also there for students.
Prof. Dr. Jiby George (Retired on 30th April 2020)
M.Sc, M.Ed, NET, P.hD
Professor in Department of Mathematics
Former Principal
Mrs. Anu S R
M.Sc, M.Ed, NET, P.hD (pursuing)
Guest Faculty in Department of Mathematics
©2025Peet Memorial Training College, Mavelikkara, Alappuzha District, Kerala